an important post about 1968's price.

Hello, friends!

You may have noticed I’ve been poking around the page for 1968 a little bit the past few days, and this is because I have a very important thing to share.

1968 is a very personal project for me, for reasons I will not get into. That’s why when I released it, I thought, “who the hell would pay money for this piece-o’-crap?” and set it as pay-what-you-want. I thought people just… wouldn’t like it. That maybe I’d be hated if I released it for anything but free.

I have since gained more confidence in the project. In addition to this, I need to somehow secure funding for my next game, joice for amelia., and that’s why, even though it was a difficult decision 1968 will be a paid game - worth 3 dollars.

Now, don’t worry - until 1/1/2021, 1968 will be on a 100% discount, meaning it will still be pay-what-you-want. Furthermore, if you cannot afford to buy 1968 after the due date, please reach out to me using Twitter to @dev_cuttlfrsh or using Discord to andrej#9280 and I will personally hook you up with a key.

Thank you for your understanding. Progress on joice for amelia. is going smoothly and I hope to have more to share about the project soon.

Until then, stay fresh!


Get 1968

Buy Now$3.00 USD or more

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